parenting coaching


 It all began when I was twelve years old, and read an article in a Reader’s Digest magazine.  It was about two children who were really struggling and were in desperate need of support from an adult in their lives.  That article set into motion my drive to choose a career that would help others and make a difference.  Through education and life experience, I have learned that to make a difference in the lives of children, we need to work with the adults in their lives. 

I believe that parenting is the hardest job, and being able to reach out and talk about these challenges is what keeps us healthy and able to care for our children.

I have five years experience working as a parenting coach, and 15 years experience counselling families on parenting issues.  The following are some of the issues that I have worked with families on:


-        Discipline / Behaviour management

-        New diagnoses such as ADD / ADHD

-        Acting out behaviours

-        Adjusting to Separation / Divorce

-        Relating to adolescents

-        Teen Depression

Resources for parents of children with learning disabilities
